I was looking into changing my power over to wind power this morning and pulled up OG and E's "sold-out" note. That is good. That means there is a market that is interested in buying wind power.
Following the links on the site I found a colorful and interactive Oklahoma Wind Resource Map by OSU. To go along with that map is an interactive map covering wind, wildlife, untilled landscapes and protected areas. Both of these maps were by way of the OWPI or Oklahoma Wind Power Initiative website. "The OWPI investigates and promotes wind energy resources in our state."
If your interested in a community wind resource check out OWPI's Community Wind: a Guide book for Oklahoma.

Some interesting grabs from that document (click it for a better read).
It is difficult to sort out the energy sources and what is best for me and my family. I know that I am going to buy a new car in the next few years. I know eventually I will buy a new house. I ask myself frequently what am I doing now. What can I do now? What can I personally change to make difference? Are you thinking about alternative sources? Better sources? Sources that as OSN would put it address economy, ecology and equity.
I think "Clean" is a loaded word. What good is an energy source that doesn't pollute the Sky's but it pollutes the rivers? Or is destructive to habitat? What good is an energy source that reduces the quality of living of a community and lines the pockets of the few?
Complex problems usually require complex solutions.